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Selected Publications

  1. S. Luo#, M Zhu#, L. Lin#, J. Xie, S. Lin, Y Chen, J. Zhu, J. Huang*. DECA: harnessing interpretable transformer model for cellular deconvolution of chromatin accessibility profile. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2025.HTTP  PDF

  2. Z. Zhang#, R. Tang#, M Zhu#, Z. Zhu, J. Zhu, H Li, M. Tong, N. Li, J. Huang*. Deciphering cell states and the cellular ecosystem to improve risk stratification in acute myeloid leukemia. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2025. HTTP  PDF

  3. Lin H#, Ye X, Chen W, Hong D, Liu L, Chen F, Sun N, Ye K, Hong J, Zhang Y, Lu F, Li L, Huang J*. Modular organization of enhancer network provides transcriptional robustness in mammalian development. Nucleic Acids Research, 2025. HTTP  PDF

  4. C. Wu# & J. Huang*. Enhancer selectivity across cell types delineates three functionally distinct enhancer-promoter regulation patterns. BMC Genomics, 2024. HTTP  PDF

  5. M. Tong#*, S Luo#, L Gu#, W Yang, Z Zhang, C Liang, H huang, Y Lin, J. Huang*. SIMarker: Cellular similarity detection and its application to diagnosis and prognosis of liver cancer. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 2024. HTTP PDF

  6. Z. Zhang & J. Huang*. Cellular deconvolution with continuous transitions. Nature Computational Science, 2023. (News & views)  HTTP  PDF

  7. D. Hong#, H. Lin#, L. Liu, M. Shu, J. Dai, F. Lu, M. Tong, J. Huang*. Complexity of enhancer networks predicts cell identity and disease genes revealed by single-cell multi-omics analysis. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2023.  HTTP  PDF

  8. M. Tong#*, Y Lin#, W Yang, J Song, Z Zhang, J Xie, J Tian, S Luo, C Liang, J Huang* and R Yu*. Prioritizing prognostic-associated subpopulations and individualized recurrence risk signatures from single-cell transcriptomes of colorectal cancer. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2023.  HTTP  PDF

  9. M. Shu#, D. Hong#, H. Lin, J. Zhang, Z. Luo, Y. Du, Z. Sun, M. Yin, Y. Yin, L. Liu, S. Bao, Z. Liu, F. Lu*, J. Huang*, J. Dai*. Single-cell chromatin accessibility identifies enhancer networks driving gene expression during spinal cord development. Developmental Cell, 2022.  HTTP  PDF

  10. Z. Wang#, T. Wang#, D. Hong#, B. Dong#, Y. Wang, H. Huang, W. Zhang, B. Lian, B. Ji, H. Shi, M. Qu, X. Gao, D. Li, C. Collins, G. Wei, C. Xu*, H. J. Lee*, J. Huang*, J. Li*. Single-cell transcriptional regulation and genetic evolution of neuroendocrine prostate cancer. iScience, 2022.  HTTP  PDF

  11. C. Wu, F. Chen, D. Hong, M. Zhu, M. Tong, J. Huang*. Enhancer in control of gene regulation: from new technology to new mechanism. Journal of Xiamen University (Natural Science), 2022.  HTTP  PDF

  12. Y. Kai#, B. E. Li#, M. Zhu#, G. Y. Li, F. Chen, Y. Han, H. J. Cha, S. H. Orkin, W. Cai*, J. Huang*, G.-C. Yuan*. Mapping the evolving landscape of super-enhancers during cell differentiation. Genome Biology, 2021.  HTTP  PDF

  13. W. Cai#, J. Huang#, Q. Zhu, B. Li, D. Seruggia, P. Zhou, M. Nguyen, Y. Fujiwara, H. Xie, Z. Yang, D. Hong, P. Ren, J. Xu, W. Pu, G.-C. Yuan* and S. H. Orkin*. Enhancer-dependence of cell-type-specific gene expression increases with developmental age. PNAS, 2020.  HTTP  PDF

  14. J. Huang#, K. Li#, W. Cai, X. Liu, Y. Zhang, S. H. Orkin, J. Xu*, G.-C. Yuan*. Dissecting super-enhancer hierarchy based on chromatin interactions. Nature Communications, 2018.  HTTP  PDF

  15. E. Marco#, W. Meuleman#, J. Huang#, K. Glass, L. Pinello, J. Wang, M. Kellis*, G.-C. Yuan*. Multi-scale chromatin state annotation using a hierarchical hidden Markov model. Nature Communications, 2017.  HTTP  PDF

  16. J. Huang#, X. Liu#, D. Li#, Z. Shao#, H. Cao, Y. Zhang, E. Trompouki, T. V. Bowman, L. I. Zon, G.-C. Yuan, S. H. Orkin*, J. Xu*. Dynamic control of enhancer repertoires drives lineage and stage-specific transcription during hematopoiesis. Developmental Cell, 2016.  HTTP  PDF

  17. J. Huang, E. Marco, L. Pinello, G.-C. Yuan*. Predicting chromatin organization using histone marks. Genome Biology, 2015.  HTTP  PDF

  18. J. Huang, C. Niu, C. D.Green, L. Yang, H. Mei*, J.-D. J. Han*. Systematic prediction of pharmacodynamic drug-drug interactions through protein-protein-interaction network. PLoS Computational Biology, 2013.  HTTP  PDF

  19. J. Huang, Y. Liu, W. Zhang, H. Yu and J.-D. J. Han*. eResponseNet: a package prioritizing candidate disease genes through cellular pathways. Bioinformatics, 2011.  HTTP  PDF


    More Publications

  20. Y. Li#, X. He#, X. Lu, Z. Gong, Q. Li, L. Zhang, R. Yang, C. Wu, J. Huang, J. Ding, Y. He, W. Liu, C. Chen, B. Cao, D. Zhou, Y. Shi, J. Chen, C. Wang, S. Zhang, J. Zhang, J. Ye, H. You*. METTL3 acetylation impedes cancer metastasis via fine-tuning its nuclear and cytosolic functions. Nature Communications, 2022.  HTTP  PDF

  21. Z. Gong#, A. Li#, J. Ding, Q. Li, L. Zhang, Y. Li, Z. Meng, F. Chen, J. Huang, D. Zhou, R. Hu, J. Ye, W. Liu, H. You*. OTUD7B Deubiquitinates LSD1 to Govern Its Binding Partner Specificity, Homeostasis, and Breast Cancer Metastasis. Advanced Science. 2021.  HTTP  PDF

  22. N. Cizmecioglu, J. Huang, E. Keskin, X. Wang, I. Esen, F. Chen, S. H. Orkin. Arid4b is critical for mouse embryonic stem cell differentiation towards mesoderm and endoderm, linking epigenetics to pluripotency exit. J Biol Chem. 2020.  HTTP  PDF

  23. T. Fei#, W. Li#, J. Peng#, T. Xiao, C-H. Chen, A. Wu, J. Huang, C. Zang, X. S. Liu*, M. Brown*. Deciphering essential cistromes using genome-wide CRISPR screens. PNAS, 2019.  HTTP  PDF

  24. S. Beyaz#, J. Kim#, L. Pinello#, Y. Hu, M. A. Kerenyi, P. P. Das, R. A. Barnitz, M. E. Xifaras, R. Dogum, J. Huang, W. N. Haining, O. Yifoulmaz, G.-C. Yuan, S. H. Orkin*, F. Winau*. The histone demethylase UTX regulates the linge-specific epigenetic program of invariant natural killer T cells. Nature Immunology. 2017.  HTTP  PDF

  25. J. H-R. Hsu, B. Hubbell-Engler, G. O. Adelmant, J. Huang, C. E. Joyce, F. Vazquez, B. A. Weir, P. Montgomery, A. O. Giacomelli, J. A. Perry, J. J. Trowbridge, Y. Fujiwara, G. S.Cowley, H. Xie, W. Kim, W. C. Hahn, J. A. Marto, S. H. Orkin*. Prmt1-mediated translation regulation is a crucial vulnerability of cancer. Cancer Research. 2017.  HTTP  PDF

  26. S. Luc, J. Huang, J. McEldoon, E. Somuncular, D. Li, C. Rhodes, S. Mamoor, S. Hou, J. Xu, S. H. Orkin*. Bcl11a-deficiency causes hematopoietic stem cell defects with an aging-like phenotype. Cell Reports, 2016.  HTTP  PDF

  27. H. Xie, C. Peng, J. Huang, B. Li, W. Kim, E. Smith, Y. Fujiwara, J. Qi, G. Cheloni, P. P. Das, M. Nguyen, S. Li, J. E. Bradner, S. H. Orkin*. Chronic myelogenous leukemia initiating cells require Polycomb group protein EZH2. Cancer Discovery, 2016.  HTTP  PDF

  28. J. Xu#, Z. Shao#, D. Li, H. Xie, W. Kim, J. Huang, J. E. Taylor, L. Pinello, K. Glass, J. D. Jaffe, G.-C. Yuan, S. H. Orkin*. Developmental control of polycomb subunit composition by GATA factors mediates a switch to non-canonical functions. Molecular Cell, 2015.  HTTP  PDF

  29. H. Luo, P. Zhang, H. Huang, J. Huang, E. Kao, L. Shi, L. He and L. Yang*.  DDI-CPI, a server that predicts drug-drug interactions through implementing the chemical-protein interactome. Nucleic Acids Research, 2014.  HTTP  PDF

  30. B. Zhou#, L. Yang#, S. Li, J. Huang, H. Chen, L. Hou, J. Wang, C. D. Green, Z. Yan, X. Huang, M. Kaeberlein, L. Zhu, H. Xiao, Y. Liu, and J-D. J. Han*. Midlife gene expressions identify modulators of aging through dietary interventions. PNAS, 2012.  HTTP  PDF

  31. T. Mao, M. Shao, Y. Qiu, J. Huang, Y. Zhang, B. Song, Q. Wang, L. Jiang, Y. Liu, J-D J. Han, P. Cao, J Li, X. Gao, L. Rui, L. Qi, W. Li and, Y. Liu*. PKA phosphorylation couples hepatic inositol-requiring enzyme 1α to glucagon signaling in glucose metabolism. PNAS, 2011.  HTTP  PDF